Trends change from time to time. What has been a hype on yesterday may will be an old time garbage on the next day. Though some destined and has quality to become an eternal pleasure (such as The Beatles), most will fade away consumed by time. This makes me wonder, aren't the successful marketer is the one that could anticipate trends before it explode?
Darren Rowse' article about a one umbrella seller which gain extensive profits when raining comes down hard has open my eyes about the importance of clear perception on future trends. Just like a broker that know when to sell and buy, an enterpreneur should know to where the trends moving right now.
For a simple example on reading where the trends will go take a look at three different popular media: music, movie, and games. Music has short time hype and have a tendency to drop down drastically. Movies is stable because network, experience, and cultural cult that may or may not appear after its release. Video games, in the old single player-module eras have the same trends graphic like music, but recent times, it is overly different.
Video games have stable rate and has a tendency to grow indefinitely. The cause is how video games is being played right now. Gamers are no longer trapped in their own room and interact with only the polygonal object inside their monitors. The polygonal object in modern game is a human, real humans in a form of their avatar inside the gaming world. AI is unnecessary as, like in the real world, we could chat and cooperate inside that artificial world. This is extremely addictive my friend, for some of people couldn't stand the social pressure in real life and as an avatar they can show their inner self without any fears. Take a look at World of Warcraft by Blizzard as an example, having 6 millions active account with $15 monthly subscription price means they gain 90 millions per month.
The development of the video games itself is also social this day. People are encouraged to have their unique module and upgrade to the already existed product. Not just that, recent development in interactivity of single player games has been amazing. Take a look at Wii and the upcoming Xbox' Project Natal. This is just genius, there is no limit of video games industry development.
Another example is growth of religion, I will not explain more on this because I do not want to offend some people but in America itself, 1000 new Church Sect appear. People seems tired of their everyday routine and ready to be back to God's way.
Think about trends thoroughly and you will get along nicely with future world. You could use it for your personal benefits, charity, educational, or anything of your choice.
Thank You for John Naisbitt for opening my eyes
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