April 30, 2010

Why Being an Active Citizen is Important

Politics, Was it Always About Choosing Between a Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich?

I was just watching my old South Park episodes (yeah, I am a big fan of South Park) when I came through an episode called 'Douche and Turd'. In that episode, South Park Elementary is dismayed after their long time mascot, a cow, is banned after a PETA protester protest (didn't see that coming, did ya?) the usage of cow as a mascot because it is unethical and cruel. Disappointed by bland choice the school provided, Kyle and Cartman decide to rally for a new joke candidate, a giant douche and a turd sandwich respectively. Long story short, the rallies get too far and the whole town exaggerating about the election while Stan ends up in banishment because he doesn't want to choose between a douche and a turd.

Anyway, have you ever heard that 'neither did I' jokes?

Neither did I. Oh sorry, back to topic then. This episode is hilarious, especially when the mascot have to debate in presidential debate style, but the point is, when it comes around politics, you will always have to choose between a douche and a turd. Okay maybe the turds is covered by a delicious sandwich (?) or the douche is in its wonderful wrapping, but in the end they just douche and turd. Don't believe me? Watch your parliament debating a useless trash on TV (Century Gate in Indonesia for example). It was like watching douche spraying over big fat turd and vice-versa.

So election is useless? I've never said that, think about it carefully. A load of turds could fertilize your arid land and douche may useful for mmm... well... women hygiene. They may be full of shit and have a load of craps, but without them, who want to think and act globally to "maintain" and "stabilize" your country? Anything of your choice will have a major effect in determining the future of your country, maybe the turds are better maybe the douches do, if you did not vote, you have no right to complain? Get it? Neither do I....

Remember the next time general election comes to your country, apathy won't do any good. These are turds and douches you are voting for, you have to be extra careful when considering which one you want to vote for, choose the lesser evil and your country will do just fine to become less miserable than past five years.

April 18, 2010

Happiness for Sale?

If you have the right to choose, what will you buy, expensive Armani's suit or vacation to Bali with your significant others?

Greek' Aristotle said that experiences is much more valuable than possessions. Is it true? to prove it, two psychological expert, Leav Van Boven from University of Colorado and Thomas Gilovich from Cornell University, had researched about connectivity between discretion of money usages for buying stuffs (clothes, jewelry) and for enhancing experiences such as vacation etc.

Thorough phone surveys toward 1279 adult respondents, it was known that buying experiences (57%) made them happier and content than buying vanity items and possessions even after the price have been calculated.

Though the surveys does not include books, cds, and fitness utensils because both items, while technically a vanity things, also offer personal experiences. Both researchers also found that women (surprisingly, come on...) gain more pleasures from experiences than men, while men fully enjoy they travels and experiences only when they do it with family or close friends. They've also concluded that people who have high revenues and highly educated choose experiences than possessions because limited allowance give the tendency to buy possessions based on the mindsets that new stuff will probably increase their quality of life. Highly educated people also known to immune from vanity trends.

However, people still need to know that unlike possessions, experiences becomes more and more valuable overtime. If possessions will become obsolete and could be thrown out anytime, experiences will not. We reinterpreted it and give it new values as we remember or retelling the experiences. No matter how many times you retells it or write it on a book then sells it, it will still be the part of your life. Unlike possessions, which will be another person's property once you sell it to them:). Telling people it was yours won't make you happier, unless Barrack Obama bought it from you.

April 13, 2010

Relativity, an Insight from a Commoner

I am sure that we all know that relativity theory is the greatest things found in physics by the genius Albert Einstein. To be frank I myself has studied it thoroughly through my highschool-college period but never realized the true meaning of quantum physics in our everyday life. I will not waste your time with scientific gibberish but I will try to view it as a normal person whom struggling to gain eternal happiness.

The term relativity itself means the quality of being relative and having significance only in relation to something else. It means that co-existence is absolute in relativity to measure the approximation of quality in every object. Within Einstein theory, an object's velocity is relative to the speed of light depending on which other objects view it.

The theory does not exclusive in determining velocity or looking for other scientific facts but it is also the right way to measure the most classic problem, good or evil. For example, I say loudly that I am a good person, this statement is completely true if and only if all things in the universe said so. So we could say that people have no right to judge because there is no absolute truth except the truth is accepted by every people in the universe. That is why we called past event as history. World is about perception, a point of view, depends on how you percepts certain situation. What is his story? what is her story? what is your story?

So if the truth and lies are just a collection of perception, is that mean that there is no such thing as both before universe were created? I don't know about you but for me, i think there is always a great entity that could overwrites all of the perception and relativity around us, because He created it long before Einstein could understand the idea behind it. Just like ordinary math, real number, integer number comes from infinity to infinity and inside there is always a subset or lattice that could precedence our existence in the universe.

Existence and nonexistence of humanity marks earth history and it was written all along before it could happen, the only things that differs is every actors inside history has freewill, the greatest gift of being human.

5 Tips to Recognize Scam Emails

Internet is relatively dangerous. Like in real life, there are plenty of low life trying to screw you up. Scam emails are one of the methods these scumbags do to rip you off. Scam emails is the type of email used to gain people personal information like password, social security number, creditcards, and bank accounts. These scammers are so confident with their emails they forget that people would know and could spot right away if it is a scam alright. Here is the five things to recognize if emails in your inbox are scam or not.

  1. The spelling. Check out the spelling in the emails, usually scam emails are written by 15 year old boy from chinese or other third world country, like Indonesia. They often use google translate and we know that the service is unreliable to write official emails.
  2. The urgency and threat. Scam emails usually warned us about the urgency of matters which actually are not. Sentences like, "hurry up or your account will closed down!!!" or anything like that is definitely scams. You see that scammers are idiots that they don't know capslock and exclamation marks are annoying. Real company' emails will never rush you to do anything because they offer convenient services. Competition is hard today, rushing people will not get you anywhere. Even if you've received urgent emails from your trusted friends, call them first, check if the information is right.
  3. Signatures and Names. Service emails are professionally written and have clear explanation about the identity of the sender. So next time you see vague description like "Customer Service" or something like that, it is definitely scam.
  4. Link. Scam emails often try to lead you to phishing websites (don't know what phishing is? type "define: phishing" on google). Check the link carefully, if it is directing you to an unknown vague and look alike sites, for example "www.f***boo*s.com/login", it is definitely scam.
  5. Check the Attachment. Scams emails usually contains executable attachment, don't ever bother downloading those.

Smart people only get scammed when they let themselves to be scammed, always skeptical and question every single thing in your life. One last piece of advice, don't ever answer to scam emails, while that is fun for a while, your email address will receive load of spam in the next months. I hope this article helps you in your healthy surf on the internet. Good Day!

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April 05, 2010

Story of an Enterpreneur

One day, A man ask his son about his lovelife

Dad: "Son, you are getting older now... How about I arrange a marriage with a girl of my choice?"

Son: "No, Dad. There is no way an arranged marriage would work these days!"

Dad: "But she is the daughter of Bill Gates."

Son: "Oh okay then..."

The next day the man walks into Bill Gates' house

Dad: "Bill Gates, sir, I have a suitable gentleman to become a husband of your daughter."

Bill: "I don't like to meddle in my daughter's life. It is her future and decision to make."

Dad: "But this man is the vice president of the World Bank."

Bill: "In that case, okay then."

Dad: "Don't you want to wait for her to decide?"

Bill: "Tough Love, friend."

The day after, the same man go into World Bank headquarter to meet President of World Bank

Dad: "Mr President, I have a suitable man to be your vice president."

WB President: "I can't accept him. I got too many vice president and most of them ends up doing nothing significant to our organization."

Dad: "But he is Bill Gates' Son in law."

WB President: "I'll make the arrangement right away then."

Tell me what you think after reading this story...

Visit also

5 Tips to Recognize Scam Emails

Murphy's Law List

Murphy, ordinary guy who said all the casual words about tendency of fault surely never dream that it will be a law someday. "Murphy's Laws" apparently, not limited to the first law. Here is the list i found on the internet, they are really funny if you ask me.

1. Murphy's Law
If something can go wrong, it will.

2. Murphy's Law
If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.

3. Murphy's Law
Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

4. Murphy's Law
Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value.

5. Murphy's Law
The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.

6. Murphy's Law
The buddy system is essential to your survival; it gives the enemy somebody else to shoot at.

7. Murphy's Law
Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand.

8. Murphy's Law
The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.

9. Murphy's Law
Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

10. Murphy's Law
The first myth of management is that it exists.

Makes me wonder though, nothing is certain and people are sometimes stupid. Those who could balance all of this fact and used it for their own benefits should be rich.

Targeting the Markets

Think Out of The Box

When trying to distribute something or struggling in internet marketer, you could always try to widened your perspective and not to be trapped in short stepped views. Trends always change and it is your job as a salesperson to adapt for your customer. In internet marketing, having nice niche and good backlink have to be viewed in many ways to create greater traffic conversion.

I myself divide the markets into two section, the expert buyer and the potential buyer. Expert buyer are those who knows what are they looking for. They know what product they expect to see when they type keywords, like "weightloss-systems" on Google. So for any product with good niche and optimization, expert buyer will show up in your sites. The second party is the potential buyers. While expert buyers know what they wants to buy, potential buyers is people surfing on the internet and probably will buy the first thing that caught their interest.

Then how do we target these potential buyers to endorse higher traffic and convert it to sells? Simple, for every product you want to promote, imagine the target consumer. Are they young or adult? Men or Women? Teen or Children? After you are clear with what potential buyer you should target, explore the trends and recent interests, like movies and music, then look for friends or colleagues who have blogs, create a lens on squidoo, or asks a backlink for your sites from your favorite blog about the trends. Simple rite?