- The spelling. Check out the spelling in the emails, usually scam emails are written by 15 year old boy from chinese or other third world country, like Indonesia. They often use google translate and we know that the service is unreliable to write official emails.
- The urgency and threat. Scam emails usually warned us about the urgency of matters which actually are not. Sentences like, "hurry up or your account will closed down!!!" or anything like that is definitely scams. You see that scammers are idiots that they don't know capslock and exclamation marks are annoying. Real company' emails will never rush you to do anything because they offer convenient services. Competition is hard today, rushing people will not get you anywhere. Even if you've received urgent emails from your trusted friends, call them first, check if the information is right.
- Signatures and Names. Service emails are professionally written and have clear explanation about the identity of the sender. So next time you see vague description like "Customer Service" or something like that, it is definitely scam.
- Link. Scam emails often try to lead you to phishing websites (don't know what phishing is? type "define: phishing" on google). Check the link carefully, if it is directing you to an unknown vague and look alike sites, for example "www.f***boo*s.com/login", it is definitely scam.
- Check the Attachment. Scams emails usually contains executable attachment, don't ever bother downloading those.
Smart people only get scammed when they let themselves to be scammed, always skeptical and question every single thing in your life. One last piece of advice, don't ever answer to scam emails, while that is fun for a while, your email address will receive load of spam in the next months. I hope this article helps you in your healthy surf on the internet. Good Day!
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